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Music and venues
When you search “best concert ear plugs” online, Hearsafe Australia will always come out as the most suitable solution you will find if you need to purchase noise reduction hearing products that prevent hearing loss caused by prolonged exposure to loud sounds. Here at Hearsafe Australia, we design long lasting and efficient ear plugs that offer a solution for professional musicians and concert goers who are regularly found to suffer from ringing ears, hearing loss and tinnitus. What makes ours the best concert ear plugs available in the market is that they are high fidelity, which means the sound of your instrument will not vary a lot from what you would hear not wearing them, but you will hear it a number of decibels that will not harm your ears.
By getting the best concert ear plugs you can find, only here at Hearsafe Australia, you will be getting deluxe products that lower overall volume without sacrificing sound quality, meaning you can play longer and harder than ever before. When you decide to order the best concert ear plugs here at Hearsafe Australia, you can have peace of mind knowing that a fully qualified audiologist will be assisting you through the whole process. Having an audiologist take your ear measurements and send them to us is easy, and you'll get to enjoy improvements in your experience such as:
- The best concert ear plugs available in Australia will offer you superior protection against a fuller range of damaging sound frequencies. Scientifically designed to protect your ears, ACS plugs target the frequencies that can cause the most hearing damage and keep them out with their special filters.
- They offer all day comfort, letting you work on long sessions without having to continually change your plugs or rest your ears.
- They are long lasting, reliable products that will offer you at least 4 years of useful life.

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Did you know? Hearing damage is permanent and can begin at 70 decibels - the sound level of a noisy city street or a loud washing machine.